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Including Seasonal Color Rotation In Your Landscape Management Plan Is A Simple Way To Maintain Fresh Eye Appeal All Throughout The Year, And You Can Depend On U.S. Lawns To Do The Job Right.

Whether your primary goal is to attract and retain high quality leasing agreements, draw lodgers to a hotel or customers to a shopping center, provide patients and their families a comforting outdoor space on the campus of your medical facility, or you’re involved in any other bricks and mortar operation, you know appearances mean everything. 

There is a simple, cost-effective way to maintain fresh curb appeal throughout the year, by including seasonal color rotation in your landscape management plan–and when you have a team of commercial landscaping professionals like U.S. Lawns on the job, you won’t even have to give it a second thought. 

Seasonal Color Explained

So, what exactly do we mean when we talk about seasonal color? Well, it can be anything from:

  • Blooming Shrubs & Trees – most of which will blossom during the springtime.
  • Annual Flowers – with all the different colors and varieties available, annuals are a great way to change up your landscape since the springtime bloomers like geraniums, petunias, marigolds and snapdragons will be replaced with different fall blooming plants such as chrysanthemums, pansies and violas as the autumn season arrives. 
  • Perennial Flowers – perhaps you’re seeking a more budget-friendly alternative, and a capable landscape designer can incorporate perennial flowers like iris, daffodils, and daisies that will offer different bloom times and eye-catching foliage for added interest that returns year after year. 
  • Native Grasses – another good way to add different shades and textures to your landscape is to plant grasses that are both attractive and easy to maintain.
  • Ornamentals – there are also ornamental plants and trees with variegated foliage in many shades of green, red and white that will be complementary to any backdrop. 
  • Holiday Decorations – yes, adding holiday décor to your landscape should also be part of your seasonal color rotation plan. This is a good way to elevate spirits and will also go a bit easier on your budget since you can reuse many decorations each year, and some of them will even be useful for multiple holidays (i.e. Memorial Day and Independence Day; Halloween and Thanksgiving; etc.).

Make Sure You’re Utilizing Seasonal Color To Your Greatest Advantage

So, with all these different options for integrating seasonal color into your landscape design, it’s important to make sure you’re utilizing it to your greatest advantage. Here are some factors you’ll need to pay special attention to as you plan your landscape enhancements:

    • Placement Of Plant Beds & Color Areas – this is key, because you want to have flowerbeds and color areas where they’ll make the best impression–around entryways, marking fence lines and other boundaries, lining sidewalks and driveways, highlighting signage and outdoor public gathering. 
    • Colors & Textures – although color and texture combinations can be as varied as individual personalities, just be sure they complement, not compete. This could be a prime opportunity to incorporate your brand colors into your floral arrangements and remember to plan for the holiday landscape décor here, too. 
    • Soil Preparation – when you’re planning to plant new flowers, ornamental trees, shrubs and other greenery, it’s crucial that the soil is properly prepped to support their unique health requirements. It may need amendments such as organic matter and fertilizer to ensure it has the right nutrients, is able to properly absorb water and is well aerated from the start, which will go far towards protecting your investment. 
  • Mulching – once your new plants have been installed, watered in and fertilized, it’s beneficial to add a layer of organic mulch like wood chips, bark or pine needles, which serves multiple functions including reduction of weed germination, regulation of soil temperature, moisture retention, and beautification. 
  • Maintenance – this is a big one, because if your plantings are not well maintained it will not only compromise their health, but will make a less than favorable impression as well.

You also need to understand that maintenance on flowerbeds requires more than just weed control, it may require deadheading flowers and controlling pests like spider mites, aphids, slugs and snails to name a few; and be aware that the application of control products is highly regulated, so it is probably something best left to certified professionals. 

Trust Your Flowers, Trees, Shrubs And Other Plantings To The Professionals 

In fact, while designing, installing, and managing your seasonal color changes on your commercial property can be a major undertaking for you, it’s all in a day’s work for your local U.S. Lawns landscaping pros. So, get in touch with us today and you’ll soon be reaping the rewards of our labor, while your budget and your business benefits.

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