U.S. Lawns is a nationwide network of landscape professionals with a focus on commercial landscaping maintenance. We take pride in our expertise in grounds care. Our services include a lot more than lawns: we’re your complete commercial landscaping solution in every region, for just about everything on your property, including palm and ornamental trees. We’ve planned ahead for spring, as we do every year, and it will be here before you know it. Here, get a sneak peek at some of the techniques we use to prepare palm and ornamental trees for the spring.
Springtime Palm Tree Care
Spring is the growing season for palm trees, so be sure that you’re prepared to provide enough water. U.S. Lawns assesses our customers’ irrigation systems to ensure they’re well-equipped to keep palm trees watered appropriately. Furthermore, spring might also be an opportune time to fertilize your palms. A slow-release fertilizer is recommended twice a year from March through October. Regular watering and essential nutrition are the keys to keeping your palm trees in good shape.
Spring is also a great time to prune your palm trees. It’s essential to sanitize the blades of your saws or trimmers before pruning trees to prevent the disease from occurring at the critical and vulnerable areas near the top of the trees.
If you’re thinking of planting palms on your property, we can help you select just the right place. It’s important to know that palm trees do best when carefully planted in an area with nutrient-rich, well-drained, not too sandy soil.
Our teams can handle all of these commercial landscaping services, ensuring that your palm trees stay in good health throughout the year! We even handle cleanup when necessary.
Commercial Landscaping for Other Ornamental Trees
We’ve already shared some of our secrets for preparing ornamental trees for winter – check them out! When winter ends, it’s critical to keep that specialized care going so your trees flourish for years to come.
If your trees blossom in the spring, it’s a great time to prune. U.S. Lawns prunes ornamental trees so that they achieve maximum beauty and health. It’s also a great way to prevent excessive cleanup in the fall.
Adding Trees to Your Landscape
If your property doesn’t have ornamental or palm trees, why not add some now? Spring is a great time to plant new trees, and U.S. Lawns is ready to help. We can integrate tree care into our existing service agreement, and you can count on our team to properly plant and care for new trees.
We’ll consider your needs and preferences when choosing varieties: Whether you want low-maintenance all the way, flowering and vibrant, or a towering palm, we can help you choose the right trees for your budget, your region, and your property.
Ornamental and palm tree care are just a few of the many commercial landscaping services we have to offer. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for your property!